The Easy Way To Toast Shredded Coconut

Do you have a recipe that calls for toasted coconut or do you have a dessert you want to dress? Toasting sweetened shredded coconut is so easy. Here is how you do you do it. 

The Easy Way To Toast Shredded Coconut by Fronie Mae Bakes.

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and spread out shredded coconut in an even thin layer. Bake for 3-8 minutes at 350 degrees, with a spatula carefully toss the coconut to mix the darker edge pieces with the lighter. That's it! 

The Easy Way To Toast Shredded Coconut by Fronie Mae Bakes.

I love the variation of coloring and the smell is amazing! Give it a try! 

The Easy Way To Toast Shredded Coconut by Fronie Mae Bakes.

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